Tallinn is this year European city of culture so we decided to start our project there. It offers unique architectural characteristics, with a present interaction of various historical influences starting with middle ages through some rich decorated  wooden facade villas, pragmatically planned soviet buildings to extremely futuristic attempts of nowadays ambitious headquarter planning.

Every shape of the tree has 13 points where we put a waterproof paper origami folded tree (or more of them). Then the documentation follows. It is normally based on photos or in several cases video. By the tree we also seed some grass and leave so called seed-bags with the printed blog address as a link to it.

Landart projects approach, in its classic manner, is mostly related to separated elements which finally form a cohesive result when seen from a wider relation such as birds eye perspective or far distance side view. In our case, we decided to make the process inverse.

How to do it?
We start with placing an outline of a symbol on the map of the chosen city.  With a help of google maps we then plan the route in the radius of approximately ten kilometers. The plan serves us as a guide and the exact directions can be consequently given also by the Google track device on a smart phone. By moving in the particular area in the certain shape, we literally draw a chosen motive by walking.